Ambassador for European Capital of Culture
It is of great importance for the realisation of a common "European Cultural One" and for cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. As artists and curators, we need to travel across borders to broaden our horizons, meet new audiences, find new and inspiring sources of inspiration to develop our work, exchange experiences and learn from each other.
Det är av stor betydelse för att bidra till att förverkliga en gemensam ”europeisk kultur” och för att åstadkomma kulturell mångfald och interkulturell dialog. Som konstnärer och curatorer måste vi resa över gränserna för att utvidga vår verksamhet och möta nya målgrupper, för att hitta nya och inspirerande inspirationskällor som kan utveckla vårt skapande, för att utbyta erfarenheter och lära av varandra.
Il est d'une importance majeure pour aider à faire d'« Un culturel européen » commun une réalité et pour favoriser la diversité culturelle et le dialogue interculturel. En tant qu'artistes et curateurs, nous devons voyager au-delà des frontières pour étendre notre champ d'action et rencontrer de nouveaux publics, pour trouver de nouvelles sources d'inspiration afin de faire évoluer notre création, pour échanger nos expériences et apprendre les uns des autres.

The art curator has an eye for a variety of art forms and a passion for staging artwork in a way that creates interest in the exhibition space, whether it is small or large, contained within different-sized walls, or staged outdoors.
My aim is to gather the artists around the world—no border, no race, no label—to work together and build the exhibition to bring awareness and strengthen the cultural commons within our differences and to create a connection between people; get together, exchange, and share between artists and the public.

Artist - Photographer
Every photographer is a visual storyteller, and every picture has its own story.
Photography gives me the experience of feeling close to the source. It is in discovering and creating images that make possible a deeper connection with the power, poetry, and divinity found in nature. Although there may be many ways to synchronize with the rhythm of the universe, I have chosen to do it looking through a camera.
My work is both reflection and expression, in that I do not aim or plan a shot but instead allow myself to be found within it as it occurs.